68108, Omaha, Nebraska - September 17, 2020
Winterizing Lawn Sprinklers$52.10 - $79.91 fixed fee The cost of winterize lawn sprinklers is included in the estimate. Price takes into account supplies to drain lines. Items excluded: reactivation of sprinkler system.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
68106, Omaha, Nebraska - September 17, 2020
Winterizing Lawn Sprinklers$52.10 - $79.91 fixed fee Includes cost estimate for winterize lawn sprinklers. Includes supplies to drain lines. Price excludes reactivation of sprinkler system.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
68106, Omaha, Nebraska - October 30, 2019
Lawn Sprinkler Installation$335.54 - $375.27 per sprinkler zone (connected to house water) This is a general cost for lawn sprinkler system installation. Estimate takes into account basic sprinkler heads and piping. Excludes sod installation or grass re-seeding .
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
68108, Omaha, Nebraska - October 30, 2019
Lawn Sprinkler Installation$335.54 - $375.27 per sprinkler zone (connected to house water) Cost assumes a typical lawn sprinkler system installation. Estimate accounts for basic sprinkler heads and piping. Price does not account for sod installation or grass re-seeding .
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |