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Does a sprinker system water a lawn more efficiently than manual watering?

Most of the time
Some of the time
Not sure
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Question: Does a sprinker system water a lawn more efficiently than manual watering?
Top Answer (65% of 64 votes): Always.

Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: A properly designed, installed and maintained sprinkler system will be more efficient than hand watering. A poorly designed and maintained sprinkler system will become less efficient over time.
Eugene Sprinkler Service
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Only when installed correctly.
O-Tex Irrigation
Answer: Always
Explanation: A professionally installed sprinkler system is more efficient and produces better results than manual watering. Q. Will an automatic sprinkler system use more water than I am currently using? A. No. -- In fact, an automatic sprinkler system may actually save you water. A well designed, efficient irrigation system applies exactly the amount of water needed by your landscape. You will never again have to worry about wasting water if you forget to turn off the hose. Plus, with a Rain Bird rain shut off sensor your system will know when it is raining and simply turn itself off when water is not needed. Q. Does having a sprinkler system really save me time? A. Yes. -- You won't have to spend another minute of your valuable leisure time watering the lawn. Your new system will do all the watering for you - even when you are away from home! Q. Will an automatic sprinkler system water as well as I do when I water by hand? A. An automatic sprinkler system will do a more efficient job because it will be designed based on your landscapes diverse watering needs, using specific products designed to water grass, trees, shrubs or garden plants.
Mist-O-Matic, Inc
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: As I have stated in many parts of this questionnaire, very few irrigation contractors install sprinkler heads that DO NOT waste water. We are one of the only companies in our area that install highly efficient irrigation systems.
Berkshire Gardens Turf Services Inc
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: If it is installed and maintained correctly yes, always. If not, leaks, adjustments, controller timing, and other issues can severely limit the system and can actually be worse than manual watering.
Sprinkler Guy KC
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: If it's a sprinkler system built using high quality parts by a halfway competent contractor then yes, a sprinkler system should save money.
Green Mountain Turf Sprinkler Repair
Answer: Always
Explanation: Provided that there aren't any sizable changes to water pressure, your plants or your yard, automatic in-ground sprinkler systems will always be more efficient.
Timberland Tree Care
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: If set properly
Answer: Always
Mr. Green Acres
Answer: Always
Explanation: Yes it most certainly does it fits properly done.
Land Tech Landscapes
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: That will depend on the layout and coverage of the game Natalie's system.
Pro Cuts Lawn Service
Answer: Always
Explanation: Yes properly installed lawn sprinkler systems water efficiently
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Sprinkler systems provide convenience and proper watering. For most of us, we are unable to spend the time it requires to manually water our lawns. Sprinkler systems allow you to set the frequency as well as how long the lawn is watered each watering for each specific area(zone) of your lawn.
Premier Lawn Care
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Depends on design, components used, current weather conditions (wind), and frequency of timing.
BlueMark Water
Answer: Always
Explanation: When you manually water there is always a possibility that you may over water or underwater plants and sod
Acme Sprinklers of Broward Inc
Answer: Always
Explanation: covers all area pretty even
vetorinos landscaping and irrigation,llc
Answer: Always
Explanation: A properly designed irrigation system can provide head to head coverage which ensures that the lawn receives better coverage than a manual sprinkler. Often times manual sprinklers are moved to other areas when they are remembered. An automatic system is set for a specific time, to achieve a specific precipitation rate and automatically moves through each zone until completion. Nothing is left to chance or quesswork.
Intelligent Irrigation
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: If designed correctly and ran for the right amount of time and frequency, an automatic system provides the best coverage.
Direct Home Service
Answer: Always
Explanation: Having the ability to control watering in areas. the ability to water with out forgetting that you left the sprinkler on.
Service My Lawn Sprinkler
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: My company sells building fire sprinkler systems, not lawn sprinkler systems.
Answer: Always
Explanation: Water is applied at a faster rate of time in a concentrated area.
Superior Irrigation and Lawn
Answer: Always
Explanation: Properly installed irrigation is more efficient and convenient without exception
Accurate Waterfalls & Irrigation
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