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When is the best time of day to run my sprinklers?

Morning (two hours before dawn)
Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Afternoon (4 pm to dusk)
Evening (after dusk)
Night (anytime while it is dark)
Not sure
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Question: When is the best time of day to run my sprinklers?
Top Answer (55% of 59 votes): Morning (two hours before dawn).

Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: The best time to water grass is early in the morning between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. Watering in the morning allows the water to soak in over the course of the day, reducing fungal problems. Morning is also the coolest part of the day and the least windy, which means the water is less likely to evaporate.
Mist-O-Matic, Inc
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: There are many factors for this but usually, with standard lawn turf, early morning is best.
Sprinkler Guy KC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: watering in evening will cause mold to grow
oasis well drilling & irrigation
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Early in the morning is the best time to run your irrigation system. It doesn't harm the lawn or plants.
Land Tech Landscapes
Answer: Night (anytime while it is dark)
Explanation: Time of day running a sprinkler system is best at night, but some systems do come on during the day if the water requirement is needed, system such as weather based systems, can run during the day. Typical systems come on a 3am and run for as long as there are zones and what time requirement was entered into the controller
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: prevents fungus
oasis well drilling & irrigation
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: For the Phoenix, Arizona area, giving your lawn a watering in the early morning can keep it hydrated for the hot days, and won't cause unwanted fungus or mildew to form in your yard that watering it at night can cause.
Green Leaf Landscape
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Two hours or greater before dawn allows for the water to percolate into the soil and allows for it to dry before facing the heat of the sun thereby eliminating evaporation loss.
Intelligent Irrigation
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Early morning before sunrise is the best time.
Direct Home Service
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: the window has always been from 4:30 am and finish by noon
Service My Lawn Sprinkler
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: It is best to water before the sun comes up so the root system has time to absorb the water before it is evaporated.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: My company sells building fire sprinkler systems, not lawn sprinkler systems.
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: It is best to water in the morning but in the heat of the summer it is best to water twice a day
Stricklins Landscaping
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Best time for efficiency and insect and disease management
Accurate Waterfalls & Irrigation
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